Tuesday, July 3, 2007

I'm a pushover...

I can't help it. Every time my dog whimpers pathetically, I cave.

She's just so darn cute!!! Especially with her new fur-cut.


Thursday, June 21, 2007


;~} So Nina went dancing without me. She said it was a lot of fun. But then she came home, and her parents were being rather negative.

Nina's Mood: Losing altitude fast. Mayday! MAYDAY!

*crashing sound and a large mushroom cloud*

Monday, June 18, 2007

Silly Little Things...

(_/-) While Nish is still sleeping (lazy bum!) I figured I'd highlight what we've done for the past week...



;~} So Nina and I went bowling yesterday. I ended up with an 85. Poor Nina got to 36...*snicker*...with 12 gutter balls. Isn't that pathetic? But we had fun eating at that one restaurant that we'd never been to before with really good bread...Nina got some kind of Pasta Weesie with shrimp and mushrooms and some white wine sauce or something like that. It sounded really fancy, but she liked it. I got lasagne! And then we watched this crazy psycho kids movie with this really ugly dog and everybody died. We had an awesome Father's Day. I dont' know how much Nina's dad actually enjoyed any of this, but hey, we had fun!

>'o'< *cough* Wayne? You forgot to mention that you were bowling with the gutter guards and that nifty little ramp thing...

;~} Doesn't make any difference. Your score is still lousy.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Lasso Her Heart!

>'o'< Nish-la, have you read those books? The Uglies and Pretties and all? You should. How is your lovely new story coming?

My cousins have been at my house for a week. They are supposed to leave today. I'm ready for them to go home. I want my room back.

;~} A tattoo? Of what? I was considering getting a turtle done on the back of my neck, but then Nina mentioned how I wouldn't be able to see it...I want to be able to admire it, you know? What about on my wrist? Like, where a watch would normally be? But then my watch would cover it...hmm...

Monday, June 11, 2007


>(\\)< Nina, your darling Nish-la was off at church camp. Anyway it was a splendiforous blast, I really enjoyed it.

(_/-) And, seeing as I went with Nish, it was awesome. They wouldn't let me on the premises so I hung around the town. I finally got a lip ring and tattoo! It was great except that Nish doesn't like rubbing lotion on my back.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


;~} Heya, didja miss me? I just thought I should let you know, Nina had it wrong. I was in Miami, not Tampa...Silly Nina! ;~}

But I'm back and all is well, only Nina is talking in tongues cos she's getting way too obsessed in this series she's reading.

>'o'< I'm not overly obsessed at all! These books are totally bubbly and happy-making! You're just bogus. But ping me, Nish-la! Are you dead? I haven't heard from you in forever and I miss you, Nish-la!

;~} See what I mean? She is now Nina-la and I'm Wayne-wa and Nish is Nish-la...*shudder* Oh, and "ping" means she wants you to email her.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Idle Minds

So, today is Friday, and the beginning of my weekend. My mom is baking a cake for my sister's birthday party tomorrow and we got the lick the spoons and all, so there was no need for breakfast this morning.

Nina is tired and wishes she could play guitar like Nish. *sigh* Wayne wants me to let you guys know that he's on vacation. He's visiting relatives in Tampa, but he'll be back soon.

Well, that's all for now. I'm totally digging the new layout. Thank ya much, Nish. Good job to both you and Derek!

Well, have a lovely day!


Thursday, May 24, 2007

New Layout

Nish couldn't sleep so she and Emo Boy pieced together a new look for the blog. All art done by the Candygirl herself, and yes that is my writing. Emo Boy put it all together.

Now mass sleeping. My hands hurt.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

From Two Of Us Together

Nina: Wayne and Derek went somewhere...I forgot where. Nish could tell you, though. Ask her. But anyway, we've been gone for a while and I can't speak for Nish, but I missed ya!

Nish: Hey kids! I've been at Nina's place for forever today. We yakked and made writing songs and called a mutual friend.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Nina's Back!

;~} She took a little mental vacation. She really meant to call you this week, Nish, about returning your poem book. But like I said, she wasn't really all there this week. Or the week before. In fact, I'm not sure how long she's been gone. But she's home now. Shall I have her call you today?

Friday, February 23, 2007

My alarm clock goes off at strange hours. E.g. 5 in the morning.

Give it to me in person, Nina. Then I can give you the short little adventures of Emo Boy he and I wrote.


yeah nish and i have been up to some crazy wicked stuff. she hasn't had any books to read at lunch so she writes down our adventures...


Thursday, February 22, 2007

This is the 30th post

>'o'< *pokes Nish* Haha, I touched you! *hug* Hope I didn't poke too hard. Don't wanna break you cause your so fragile and tiny.

I wrote a poem for ya. Wanna read it?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I am getting so fat and I feel sick all the time. I've tried to cut down on eating (basically eliminating lunch and lightening breakfast) but I still always feel like a bloated pig and I look like I'm three months pregnant.

Going vegan/vegetarian is seriously looking like an option. I already eat a minimal of meat but I guess making a formal commitment would help.

Anyhoo sone other big news:


if my choir trip does not fall on the same day. There's a fifty percent chance.

I want to go. Badly.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

To Grandmother's House We Go!

;~} So Nina and I are going to her grandma's house for the weekend. I am looking forward to the non-health, non czar/daddy-approved food. Nina is looking forward to escaping from me. She doesn't know that I have plans to stash myself in her luggage.

I refuse to stay here and eat lima beans while she enjoys real food.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

I didn't forget y'all...

So I've been waay busy. Like for serious.

Anybody watch the Dresden Files on Scifi channel? It is tres bien.

Soooo... Girl Scout cookies are my arch-nemesis.


Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Shh! It's a secret...

>'o'< Nish, what else didja tell Bwillis that ya didn't tell me?

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Keep Your Soul Like A Secret In Your Throat

(_/-) emo boy here. nish has this american idol fixation and this csi fixation that makes her very happy. she also did an english project all night last night, which = her very tired. alphabet of the odyssey all right.

anyways, i painted my nails black glitter. it's so pretty! and right now i'm dancing to ziggy stardust. go david bowie!


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Oh, bother...

>'o'< I was reading a Winnie-the-Pooh story to Wayne today. He loves Pooh Bear. I stayed home from church tonight because Wayne is sick. Yo no voy a iglesia por que Wayne es enfermo. Isn't my Spanish great? I have a quiz tomorrow, so I've been studying.

Well, adios. Wayne is asking for chicken soup. Sopa de pollo!

Monday, January 29, 2007


Nina post again I want to hear from you even though I don't have much to say.

(_/-) nish is showering and i can muck around in her room. she's thinking about writing another quickie story about me and her.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Another short post...

I just don't have much to say.

Painting my nails a poison purple. So emo it's not!

Just watched Beetlejuice. I _love_ that movie. It's like good!

"My whole life is a dark room. One big dark room."

Thursday, January 25, 2007


I feel like I talk to much. Nish hardly ever has long posts...

Don't say anything, Wayne.

;~} ...

>'o'< and ;~}

Flog Molly!

Good punky rocky band, Flogging Molly.

Busy busy.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Eloquence Is Overrated

>'o'< No, not nearly as severe. I got it thinned and hacked off a few inches, got the layering a bit different but you can hardly tell. But my bangs didn't turn out quite how I'd hoped...Oh well. They look fine clipped straight back on the top of my head. Gives me a bit of extra height.

;~} And you need all the inches you can get.

>'o'< You're lucky that I haven't strangled you yet, Wayne. Don't push it.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Cody S?

Ohh mai gawd.

Is the cut as severe as mine, darling?

(_/-o Who's that? I must not have been around when she knew him.

>(\\)< Be glad you weren't. I was stupid in 6th grade.

Nina looks funny!!!

;~} Not really but she did cut her hair. I like to play with her bangs while she sleeps. If I move them to just the right position, she looks like Cody S.

But don't tell her I said that. She'd be very offended.

But the resemblance is uncanny. Almost disturbing. ;~}

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Donut Be Greedy!

;~} That's the 11th Commandment. Didn't ya know?

I didn't.

But I'm a testimony to God's amazing grace. And healing powers.

Nina could use some right now.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Life=okay i guess. Wrote a song on paper (omg!) and started a poem.

The pope is the grand.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

I'm not crying...

Really I'm not. Allergies, you know?

It's Wayne. I'm allergic to Wayne.


Monday, January 15, 2007

As anyone reading Clandestine may know

>(\\)< I've felt like the worst sort of crap today. More details over there.

I finished sewing my boy-lamb Mary. He's quite cute, with his pink fur and red musical note splotches and black button eyes.

(_/-) And Nish was watching Full House and doing her homework...she had a breakdown. It was when the great-grandpa died and Michelle was sad...there was many crying.

>(\\)< Shutup darling.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

What Not To Eat...

6 donuts in two minutes. Wayne will not be blogging for a bit.

I am still admiring little me at the bottom of the page. And, oh! I just noticed that little Nish is holding a cup of tea! >'o'<

Just so you know, Nish, I can't actually do anything to manage the bloggie. I can post and that's it. So I can't really help keep it up...Sorry!

If you put Nina and Nish together, you get Ninisha. And Wayne and Derek come out to be something like Derayne. And if you put all four together, it's Derayninisha.

Well, this has been Nina blogging for Waynina (Wayne + Nina). Happy Sunday!


Pretty Pretty

Almost finished sewing a lamb. His name is Mary and he's pink with red music notes and fuzzy ears.

I ate a blondie at Applebee's today...it was SO GOOD.

>(\\)< Candygirl

Saturday, January 13, 2007


;~} I like little Nina too. She's adorable. You just wanna pet her on the head and give her a lollipop!

>'0'< Go for it. I'd love a lollipop.

;~} Um...no.

>'o'< ...

;~} But what a lovely job Nish has done updating the blog, huh?

>'o'< Yes, it's great. But I want a lollipop.

;~} And aren't we glad that Nish and Derek are feeling better?

>'o'< Sure. Where's my candy?

;~} Go ask Candygirl, not me!


hey kids it's me!

emo boy derek here.

just put a bunch of new stuff on the blog. check out the pic on the bottom! little nina is yummy.

so, i'm better now. woop-de-do.

i love to eat pizza.

did i ever have a childhood? i don't remember it.

When You're Famous...

May I have your autograph, Nish?


Sleepover Gone Bad

When unsuspecting teenager Kayla Shoo arrived at her friends' house Friday night, little did she know the horrors that awaited her beyond their front door. She was subjected to boredom, fighting siblings, an attention-seeking five year old, and hosts who couldn't stay awake if their lives depended on it.

Kayla's new therapist says, "Although the experience was scarring for Kayla, she will recover. Eventually."

Kayla's family refused to comment on the abuse of their child, responding to our questions by slamming the door (on my toe, I might add...)

Their dog, Barkley, paused long enough to say, "Arf arf!" before turning tail and running.

And now to Nina with the weather...;~}

>'o'< Thank you, Wayne. We've been keeping a close eye on Hurricane Kathryn for a while now and just last night it finally hit the coast. The tiny county of Cabrera (population five) was taken by storm. Hurricane Kathryn left devastation in her wake. The residents of Cabrera County say, "It's not my fault."

Tomorrow's weather: gusts of anger up to 155 words per minute and showers of insults. We suggest you stay indoors for your own safety.

;~} and >'o'<

Thursday, January 11, 2007

And in local news...


Teenager Nina C. was rushed to the mental hospital after an emotional break down during dinner. Officials say this fit was sparked by depression but her parents chalk up her resistance to laziness.

Doctors will reveal no information besides the fact that Nina is on the mend and they expect a speedy recovery.

Thank you for tuning into News Channel Trece. I'm Wayne Dwop, thank you and good night.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Not craving ugly people...never would have guessed that darling.

Anyway Emo Boy/Derek is sick. Poor thing. I think I'm getting it too.

Sing sing. Life is not good.

I have decided I want to teach high/middle school creative writing.

>(\\)< Candygirl

Tuesday, January 9, 2007


Now I feel as if my siggy were inferior. Must...create...siggy...worthy of BLOG! (S) Look, it's a skittle! (M) Look, it's an MNM!

;~} You're making my crave sugary sweet stuff!!!

O----------0 It's a baton. (\:^) It's...ugly. \:^) Ah, that one is ugly too!!!

;~} Oddly enough, I am NOT craving ugly people. Hmm...

(---' It's an umbrella! -*- It's a person with a headache, look! The eyes are squeezed shut in pain/exasperation and the little * thingy is the pulsing vein in their temple! Oh, it's genius! Although somehow I do not think it represents me well... `^` It's a snotty person with their nose in the air. + It's a present with a bow! Sorta...

>'0'< It's a kitty cat! THAT'S MY NEW SIGGY!!!

Until I get bored and come up with something more creative.

;~} Then I'll do my best to keep you entertained.

;~} and >'0'<

I have decided to forget my previous signature.,,

I'm Candy Girl now. >(\\)<

Nina and I have our separate blogs in conjoinment to this team one.

Posters from this account are me and Emo Boy/Derek. Nina has Wayne and herself.

And, doll, feel free to change the template/name/address/description/whatev. I stole that from a song except the bit about the fries.

My First Post


This new blog is neato. All credit goes to Carson.

This is Wayne: ;~}

This is now my siggie: :^]

So now that the introductions are over, we'll bow out.

;~} and :^]

Sunday, January 7, 2007

-service announcement-

this blog is coming soon, the minute nina and wayne accept the invite.

(:-o and (_/-) (nish and derek)